Practice Charter

We are committed to giving the patient the best possible service and believe the only way to achieve this is by working together.

We ask that our patients do the following:

  • Treat our staff with kindness and respect,
  • Check in upon arrival to the surgery,
  • Keeps to your appointment time and provide us with as much notice if you need to cancel or rebook,
  • Understand that we have a 10 minute rule for appointments,
    • If you arrive for your appointment, more than 10 minutes after your original appointment time, it is at the clinicians discretion if you can be seen. If the clinician is not able to see you, you will be asked to rebook.
    • If your appointment was medically urgent you may be asked to wait until the end of surgery to be seen.
  • Inform the surgery if you do not understand or are unclear about your treatment,
  • Inform the surgery of any changes to your personal details,
  • Book an appointment with a clinician at your earliest convenience, if requested by a member of the Burdwood Surgery team. Although we will attempt to contact the patient on several occasions, it is the patient’s responsibility to respond to this request.
  • Use the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS),
  • Requests repeat prescriptions via Anima, the NHS App or by emailing us. Do not request prescriptions over the telephone as this is unsafe.
  • Allow 4 working days for repeat prescriptions to be processed to allow for accurate prescribing.
  • Understand that an appointment is for one person only for one complaint/concern. If another member of your family needs to be seen or discussed, another appointment should be made.
  • Only request a home visit if your medical condition prevents them from attending the surgery.

We believe that by working together we will provide our patients with the best possible service and care.

We endeavour to for the following:

  • Treat all our patients with courtesy and respect,
  • Involve you as much as possible in all decisions regarding the care you receive and ensure your consent is given prior to any treatment,
  • Ensure that all surgery employees are aware they are legally obliged to keep contents of patients’ medical records confidential,
  • Offer you a routine appointment with a GP as soon as possible,
  • Try and keep you informed if your appointment time is behind schedule or if the GP has been called away on an emergency,
  • Provide you with access to your medical records, subject to legislation and associated procedures.
  • Process repeat prescriptions within 4 working days,
  • Refer you to a specialist for a second opinion as appropriate,
  • Keep you informed of any changes to procedures using leaflets, our website, electronic board, waiting room notice boards and the Patient Participation Group.

Any comments or suggestions on how we can improve our services would be most welcome.