Infection Control Annual Statement



The surgery infection prevention and control statement is generated annually in April.

It will summarise:

  • Any infection transmission incidents and actions taken (these will be reported in accordance with our significant events procedure).
  • The annual infection control audit summary and actions taken.
  • Risk assessments.
  • Detail of staff training with regards to infection prevention and control.
  • Details of infection control advice available for patients.
  • Any review and update of policies, procedures and guidelines.

Infection, Prevention and Control 2024/25


The Burdwood Surgery lead for infection, procedure and control is Andrea Kennedy Compston (Practice Nurse) and Mark Foster (Practice Manager).

The team will keep updated with infection prevention and control: policies, training and practices and share necessary information with staff.

Significant Events:

Covid 19

  • A Covid 19 Task Force which was set up in 2020 ensured the practice environment is Covid 19 secure for all staff, patients, and essential visitors.
  • Protective screens remain in place in reception areas.
  • Staff continue to wear masks whilst working in the surgery as needed and engaging in patient care and performing good hand hygiene.
  • Patients are reminded to wear masks if infectious when in the surgery and use hand sanitisers that are throughout the building.
  • Social distancing has reduced pragmatically in high traffic areas.

Significant Events are examined monthly as they occur and at the Surgery annual review.

All policies and procedures were adhered to during the year.

Infection Control Audits:

These are completed 3 monthly, the last being March 2024.

  • Hand washing
  • Waste
  • Clinical sharps bins

Risk Assessment:

Risk assessments are carried out so that best practice can be established and followed.

Legionella risk assessment. The practice has reviewed its water safety risk assessment to ensure that checks are carried out and the water supply does not pose a risk to staff, patients, or visitors. This is completed on a quarterly basis by an outside source and reviewed annually.

We have information available in posters, leaflets or available online.


  • Childhood immunisation
  • Whooping cough
  • Flu vaccinations and who it applies to
  • Covid vaccinations/boosters
  • Shingles vaccination
  • Pneumococcal vaccination
  • Sepsis highlighting awareness
  • Meningitis
  • HPV vaccination
  • Travel vaccination


All staff are offered Hepatitis B immunisation along with other occupational health vaccines that are relevant to their role i.e. MMR, COVID and flu vaccine.

We participate in the National Immunisation programmes/campaigns for patients and offer vaccines within the surgery and home visits in line with the guidelines for primary care.

Staff Training:

All staff complete an annual infection prevention and control training online.

All relevant staff complete sepsis training online.