Implant Removal Appointment & Information

The Subdermal Implant ‘Nexplanon’ Removal - Patient Information

You have chosen to have your contraceptive implant removed.
Before we remove it, it is important that you discuss this with your doctor including any concerns and further contraception options.

Are there any problems with removing the Implant?

Occasionally the doctor may not be able to take out your existing implant. This can be because it is embedded deeply under the skin. If this happens, your doctor will refer you to a specialist to have this assessed further.

How can I prepare for having an Implant fitted?

Ensuring you have adequate contraception

Once your implant has been removed, you will no longer have any contraception cover, and you may be at risk of becoming pregnant. Please ensure that you do not have unprotected intercourse 7 days before having your implant removed. It is important that you discuss future contraception prior to the implant removal.

If you have had intercourse 7 days prior to your implant removal appointment, please re-arrange your appointment.

Pain relief

You may feel pain during and after the implant removal. We would suggest that you take some painkillers afterwards if the wound is painful.

What happens during the Implant removal appointment?

Your appointment will last 20–30 minutes. We will check that you have understood all the information provided and you will be asked to sign a consent form.

You will be asked about allergies. In particular, please inform the healthcare professional if you are allergic to any anaesthetic or rubber.

The doctor will check they are able to feel the implant under your skin. The skin will be cleaned and then numbed with a local ‘numbing’ agent (anaesthetic). You may still feel the procedure but it should not be painful.

A small cut will be made close to the tip of the implant and the rod will be removed. Once the rod is removed, you will be provided with dressings. These should stay on for approximately 24-48 hours and the wound kept clean and dry.

Care after your implant fitting

We advise you take the bandage off after 24 hours and the dressing underneath off after 48 hours (one day after your bandage removal). It is important you keep the wound clean and dry to avoid infection. You may develop some redness, pain or swelling and we advise you take some pain relief if this occurs. If you develop redness or swelling that is spreading up/down the arm or occurs with a fever or severe pain, then please contact the GP surgery or the urgent care team (If out of GP surgery hours).

If you have any further questions, please phone the surgery to arrange a telephone consultation with the well woman nurse or your own GP.